How to access diablo 3 not a cow level
How to access diablo 3 not a cow level

how to access diablo 3 not a cow level

  • Leorics Shinbone from the fireplace in Leorics Manor in Act 1.
  • The Black Mushroom from Cathedral level 1 in Act 1.
  • If you'd prefer to read how to do it, we've got step-by-step instructions below: Tired of reading about it!? The video above, created by the folks at Force Strategy Gaming, shows you how to check out Whimsyshire for yourself. The designers came up with the idea for the My Little Pony-esque world two years ago after fans complained that Diablo III looked "too colorful" based on a few screenshots. Like the cow world, which was created in response to rumors about a hidden world full of murderous cows in the original Diablo (but didn't actually exist), Whimsyshire was designed with fans in mind. Diablo III has a little more relaxed hidden world, the almost painfully colorful "Whimsyshire."

    how to access diablo 3 not a cow level how to access diablo 3 not a cow level

    Diablo II brought players to maddeningly difficult "cow level". Diablo III, like Diablo II before it, has a secret joke world that can only be accessed by collecting a series of inconspicuous items and making them into a key.

    How to access diablo 3 not a cow level